Environmental institutions at the state level

Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina (MoFTER)
Website: www.mvteo.gov.ba
Reports, Publications and Presentations

Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Website: www.mkt.gov.ba

Administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Plant Health Protection
Website: www.uzzb.gov.ba

Veterinary Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Website: www.vet.gov.ba

Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Website: www.bhas.ba

Food Safety Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Website: www.fsa.gov.ba

Environmental institutions at the entity level

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH)

Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Website: www.fmoit.gov.ba

Federal Ministry of Physical Planning
Website: www.fmpu.gov.ba

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry
Website: www.fmpvs.gov.ba

Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry
Website: www.fmeri.gov.ba

Federal Administration for Inspection Issues
Website: www.fuzip.gov.ba

Federal Ministry of Education and Science
Website: www.fmon.gov.ba

Republika Srpska (RS)

Ministry of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of RS
Website: www.vladars.net

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of RS
Website: www.vladars.net

Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining of RS
Website: www.vladars.net

Ministry of Science and Technology of RS
Website: www.vladars.net

Republic Administration for Inspection Activities of RS
Website: www.inspektorat.vladars.net

Ministry of Education and Culture of RS
Website: www.vladars.net

Brčko District (BD)

Department for Spatial Planning and Property Affairs of BD (Sub-department for Spatial Planning, Urban Development and Environmental Protection)
Website: www.bdcentral.net

Department for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of BD
Website: www.bdcentral.net

Department for Education of BD
Website: www.bdcentral.net

Environmental institutes at the entity level

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH)

Environmental Fund of the FBiH
Website: www.fzofbih.org.ba

Sava River Watershed Agency
Website: www.voda.ba

Adriatic Sea River Basin District Agency
Website: www.jadran.ba

Institute for Statistics of FBiH
Website: www.fzs.ba

Federal Hydrometeorological Institute
Website: www.fhmzbih.gov.ba

Federal Geodetic Administration
Website: www.fgu.com.ba

Federal Institute for Agropedology
Website: www.agropedologija.gov.ba

Federal Institute of Agriculture
Website: www.fzzp.com.ba

Federal Agromediterranean Institute of Mostar
Website: www.faz.ba

Hydro-Engineering Institute Sarajevo
Website: www.heis.com.ba

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Sarajevo
Website: www.pmf.unsa.ba

Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Sarajevo
Website: www.ppf.unsa.ba

Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo
Website: www.sfsa.unsa.ba

Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Website: www.ingeb.ba

National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Website: www.zemaljskimuzej.ba

Republika Srpska (RS)

Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of RS
Website: www.ekofondrs.org

Public Institution “VODE SRPSKE”
Website: www.voders.org

RS Institute of Statistics
Website: www.rzs.rs.ba

Republic Hydrometeorological Service of RS
Website: www.rhmzrs.com

Republic Institute for Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of RS
Website: www.nasljedje.org

Institute for Urbanism of RS
Website: www.iu-rs.com

Agricultural Institute of RS
Website: www.poljinstrs.org

Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka
Website: www.sfbl.org

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka
Website: www.agric.rs.sr

Faculty of Sciences, University of Banja Luka
Website: www.pmf.unibl.org

Genetic Resources Institute, University of Banja Luka
Website: www.gri.unibl.org